Saturday, December 18, 2010

HELP - Heave Earth for Longing Peace

HELP - Heave Earth for Longing Peace

Let the drops of water glide on taste buds pulling thirst back to dust. Primitive days where human beings ran behind monkey to identify the source of water might just prove that we are nothing more than a parasite living on this earth. Let me step back a bit here, let’s start by asking some questions. Would identifying a resource be considered a crime? Not at all but not using the sixth sense in the way it was meant to be, to ignore the knowledge that resources are not abundant and to continue to ignore the inner mind when in yells not to deplete natural resources .

Maybe we would evolve to become adapted to live off a single pill that can burst our thirst for several days. But what it takes to reach there. How many lives will it takes to be there? Is the answer Science? That’s the obvious reason as we knew only one dimension that explains what nature is! In today's world a human needs help from people in the form of scientist who can unravel mysteries and hope to find greatest discovery which will relish human kind. I’m missing something here. Ah! How can I miss those giant machines plotting graphs, sketching maps, even a few that can check if the pen is filled with ink or not. For Humans, time is so precious that they cannot afford to waste time in lifting a pen and check if it’s filled or not, so they waste enough time in building a machine which can do this. Simple isn't it? Applauds! A genius is born. Now monkey is replaced by a machine!

Science taught me one thing that "Every action has equal and opposite reaction". Building machines to save time has created catastrophic events which made humans to counter attack by thinking in the ways of improving those machines to avoid such effects. What about those which are already sold in market and still in use. Earth is a big place to hunt down every sales and destroy them (We know only to Bomb, got to invent few bombs to destroy these!) and replace with latest technology (counter attack! a time when drawbacks of this technology is not realized yet! ). Gold depreciates with every polish it needs to check its authenticity. So does the human mind that’s powered by curiosity.

Inventing machines a mistake? I bet no, I could not have held time in my wrist (No pun intended!) had humans didn't invent watch, I could not have communicated to a person within seconds who is located miles away, had humans didn't invent telecommunication. I am not good at making tea; I let my machine do that. They are very handy and so many such inventions which can be termed eco friendly, but where did humans really cross the line and what makes me think that exploring machines has produced catastrophe events by which we are close to witness or probably witnessing a major climatic change which we curse every day. Who's to be blamed? We are humans;after all we are the masters of evading blame Don't we? If there's someone to be blamed then it’s the mirror we may have to seek to know the culprit. But what did I do to be blamed?

Human mind is so lethal and powerful that its thirst cannot be resolved. Make a discovery; it becomes the base for looking for next one and so on. Where so we mark the horizon? When does this stop? Any philosopher would say "Sky is limit". No one wishes to abide by red lights at signal. We Cross them, to meet with an accident and then realize that line has been crossed. Why should human live a life out of trial and error? Why do we not heed to the inner voice that screams caution?

Money! I forgot this, only precious glass every human wishes to wear. Engraved by darkness, I can smell the reason why humans get blind. Gone are those days where we acknowledge our peers by trading kindness, a hand in need, trust and love. Today's world needs just money to trade everything. Carrying so many good qualities was difficult for humans and to rest their shoulders from this burden, they came up with money which eventually brought misery and created boundary within humans even though they call Earth their "Mother". Humans started becoming slaves to one another instead of leveling shoulders to share care. More money means much higher ranking. Greediness prevailed, so did the need to protect the wealth came into picture. What's point in cursing money? Who am I to curse?

Our so called "Mother" today is drawn with boundaries, ravaged by weapons. Point about protection propelled in air. With every strike of weapon we forget that the sadness we bring upon not just ourselves but also on mother earth that bears our burdens. It is earth that has to digest the chemical. Killing "Mother" gradually is what we call winning over land! Glass is too thick to blind us from kindness to rule over. Series of inventions ensured Human Beings to realize that they can eventually invent anything and everything! Laziness became a mode of lifestyle for the higher ranking Humans who own money. Now they have the ticket to buy anything they want as they have bunch of Humans who can come up with anything for money.

Lifestyle today is nothing more than the disclaimer we see in a Cigarette box, "Smoking is injurious to health" (Smokers, Nothing offensive!). We don't bother as we know that every day we are guaranteed to wake up to the next. The heat taken inside gradually kills. Since the outcome is not instant we humans avoid them as they are not visible to us. So is Global warming, the days are now where we keep poking at earth for our own selfishness. Colossal vision shall crush thy sin! As soon as we see a snake, we take guard to protect us, no matter if snake gets killed in the process (We know how to kill, don’t be shy to accept, remember the mosquito!). Why would we protect? We know its instant death if bitten by snake. Should we need Earth to be more a snake to make instant reactions for us to ponder over our mistakes? Humans today boast about being "the Snake (Earth) charmer" (can't stop making a sarcastic smile for this foolishness) and consider Earth being well under control. In that case why to look into space beyond earth finding life in other planets? By the time even the technology can build a space shuttle to evacuate people, earth will be dusted and so will be human race.

It's very sad to see what we are today because of the lifestyle we make. Money makes us dependent on machines. One example is manpower getting replaced by machines for productiveness (=MONEY). How much will it take for planting a tree instead of building a machine that can cut down the tree in minutes!

Thinking is left to Humans; same mind that can create destruction path in so many years needs only little time to construct a world that can reclaim the lost peace. Unity beyond boundary is required and I would be enthralled to see a dream come true in a country. Don’t search for a reason to be kind. Dreams have no limits but life does have one. It is time to reclaim life with a cup of tea. I've got mine filled, your cup may or may not be.